SLKF has partnered with FACTS for our database system. Having the most current and up-to-date information is crucial for proper communication between SLKF and our families. It also allows you to have instant access to school announcements, calendar, homework, and grades! Here are a few tips to help make it a smooth transition for us all.
Creating a FACTS Account: Go to, click the blue ‘Family Log In’ box in the upper right-hand corner, select ‘FACTS Family Portal’ from the drop-down menu, and follow the instructions below.
- Select ‘Create New Family Portal Account’.
- Enter the SLKF District Code – SLK-LA. Make sure you type the district code as SLK-LA (the district code is NOT case sensitive but it MUST include the dash.
- In the Email Address field, enter the email address you provided to SLKF when registering your child.
- Click the ‘Create Account’
- You will receive an email from FACTS Customer Support containing a link that will allow you to create your username and password. For security purposes, the link will remain active for 6 hours.
- In the email, click the link ‘Click to create your Family Portal Login’, and a new screen will open. You may use the default username provided, or create a new one. Then type in your desired password into the ‘Password’ and ‘Confirm Password’
- Click on the ‘Save Username and/or Password’ You are now registered!
To Update Your Contact Info in the Online Directory:
- Go to
- Type in the SLKF District Code – SLK-LA, your user name, and your password.
- Click the arrow to the right of the ‘Family’ button in the left menu. Then click ‘Family Home’
- In the Online Filing Cabinet, click ‘Family Demographic Form.’
- Under Custodial Parents, click the ‘Custodial Parent Form’ and verify that all info is correct or make changes if needed.
- Under Parent Preferences, you may set your email and text preferences. Once done, click ‘Save’ at the bottom left of the form.
- Please note that changes made will not be updated in the system until 11:00 pm nightly. This includes any and all demographic information as well as preferences for the directory (i.e. exclude or include home address, cell numbers, etc.)
FACTS Family App for Parents: The FACTS Family App provides access to the features in FACTS Family Portal via a mobile app. Parents and students have instant access to school and academic information, including homework, grades, announcements, calendar, and more!
FACTS Family App is available for iOS (iPhone or iPad) and Android devices. SLKF pays for each SLKF family to download the app.