I welcome this opportunity to introduce you to St. Louis King of France Catholic School. Located in Metairie, St. Louis King of France Catholic School has been a beacon of Catholic education for students since 1953. We are a co-educational school serving students from 6-week old infants (“Little Crusaders”) through the 7th grade. St. Louis King of France is a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence and is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. We have a comprehensive curriculum that includes Spanish, Computer, Physical Education, Library, and Music, which features a piano lab. At this time, I would like to share with you my personal philosophy on education.
I believe education is a process presenting a unique experience for each individual. The process should be as challenging as possible in order to fulfill the academic, spiritual, social, emotional, and physical needs of the students here at St. Louis King of France Catholic School. Because each student learns differently, not all methods of teaching will work for every child. Therefore, it is important to employ techniques suitable for students that will enable them to be successful in the classroom, as well as later in life.
I enjoy working with children and want to help expand their knowledge and develop thinking skills. I feel it is important for children to be able to think on their own. I also believe that in order for children to think on their own, they need to be guided in the right direction to make the right choices for themselves. I do not want to merely provide information; I want the students to share their experiences and feelings with their fellow students and their teachers.
Discipline is very important in the educational process. I have always and will continue to set up a management system for students to know exactly what is expected of them. Rules and guidelines should be set, and students should be made aware of the consequences of failing to comply with those rules and guidelines. In addition, I think positive reinforcement is equally as important in teaching good behavior to children. The most important aspect of discipline, however, is to be consistent.
My personal mission for St. Louis King of France Catholic School is to provide a rigorous, but nurturing education to students in a comprehensive environment that fosters a Christian atmosphere based on the tenets of Catholicism, self-esteem, high personal standards, individual student needs, and active student involvement. St. Louis King of France Catholic School uses traditional and innovative teaching strategies to challenge students and to cultivate enthusiasm and dedication to lifelong learning and a steadfast faith in the Catholic religion.
As principal of St. Louis King of France, I guide others in developing and accomplishing a shared vision and mission. I facilitate the development, implementation, and communication of our shared vision and mission that reflects the abilities of all students. I have a moral and ethical responsibility to foster collegiality and to lead through collaboration and teamwork. I promote the development of organizational, instructional, and assessment strategies to enhance teaching and the success of student learning. I believe that a good learning environment is one that ensures a safe and secure climate. I articulate the values and beliefs reflective of an archdiocesan school community.
As a leader, I focus on teaching and learning, and I see myself as the lead teacher in my community. Therefore, I am prepared to recommend and accept necessary and appropriate changes within the school community. Every leadership and administrative act that I decide upon reflects my beliefs and values.
In closing, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for letting me share my personal mission and vision for our students here at St. Louis King of France. I invite you to call for an appointment for a private tour of St. Louis King of France Catholic School. I look forward to meeting new families, students, and introducing you to our school faculty and student community. Teaching is a challenging and rewarding profession. Although hard work is required, I always strive to have a positive effect on each and every one of my students.
Pamela Keenan Schott, Principal