The philosophy of St. Louis King of France School is the foundation upon which our educational program is built. We strive to educate and develop the whole child: physically, intellectually, emotionally, morally and spiritually.
We recognize the child as a unique individual possessing human dignity, personal integrity and having the right to full human development. We strive to foster in each individual, through his daily experiences, a respect for himself, his peers and for all the significant adults involved in his life.
St. Louis King of France believes self-discipline and academic achievement go hand in hand. In order to experience educational, social and emotional growth, children need to be in an environment in which there is a concerned teacher who will set firm, consistent, positive limits while providing warmth and support. A St. Louis teacher uses Christ as his/her model in shaping this nurturing climate.
St. Louis King of France utilizes a traditional approach to education. We believe such an approach provides the student with the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and experience to progress successfully through the various levels of education to be a successful citizen of our community.
Our ultimate goal is to prepare students for a Catholic secondary education as well as preparing them for life. This encompasses intellectual, moral and Christian maturity, including the value of service to others. Catholic doctrine serves as a framework in forming this Christian maturity. We share skills with our students that are essential in life including the ability to think analytically and to make decisions. We want our students to have a conscientious attitude, one that is attuned to listening, growing and contributing to society.
The mission of St. Louis King of France School, in coordination with the Church and home, is to provide a Catholic education for its students in an environment that fosters academic excellence and Gospel values. St. Louis King of France School seeks to educate the whole child in preparation for a Catholic secondary education and life’s daily experiences.
St. Louis King of France Parish was established on June 21, 1947. The first pastor was Fr. Patrick Cunningham.
Msgr. Marion Reid replaced Fr. Cunningham in 1952 and received permission to build a school the following year. St. Louis King of France School opened with 40 students in first and second grades on September 8, 1953. The school grew and under Msgr. Reid, the three school buildings: Administration Building, Blanche Hall and Marion Hall were constructed. The student population grew to almost 1,500 before the parish was divided with St. Angela Merici Parish.
Msgr. Joseph Lorio came to St. Louis King of France in 1973. Under his guidance, the parish and school flourished. In 1990, our parish added the Lorio Center, which houses a gymnasium and performance center. Reverend Mark S. Raphael, Ph.D. is currently pastor and is continuing the tradition of excellence here at St. Louis King of France School.
Today, our school includes a 6-week-old Nursery Program (“Little Crusaders”) through seventh grades. Our students represent six civil parishes and thirty-eight different zip codes.