Lunch menus


Lunch Menus are provided by

All meals must be ordered and paid for in advance.  Please remember, if you order a meal, your child will be charged for that meal unless he/she is absent.

Write your child’s name and homeroom on the menu. Please sign the menu. A copy will be returned to you.  Please circle menu choices.  Attach a check for NEXT month’s purchases, even if you have money in your account.  That money is for the rest of the CURRENT month.

All checks should be made out to SLKF.  Please write your child’s name in the memo portion of the check. Please include extra money if they purchase snack at morning break.

NO EXTRA MEALS WILL BE ORDERED.  Your child will call home for lunch.

Click the Piccadilly icon for the CURRENT menu

Click the sign for NEXT month’s menu